Aloha mai kākou! My name is Kalena Kaopuuokalani Lanuza and I am a doctorally prepared, Certified Family and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and Certified Lactation Counselor. As an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, I offer Reproductive Mental Healthcare to clients in Hawai'i, California, Oregon & Washington. I specialize in pregnancy, postpartum, peri & post menopausal mental health and offer medication/ herbal & supplement management in conjunction with brief supportive therapy & lactation counseling to those in need. As an Indigenous provider (Kanaka Maoli- Native Hawaiian), I work to bring the wisdom of my kūpuna (ancestors/ elders) with me into relationship with the people that I serve and try to use the Native Hawaiian concepts of aloha (love), ha'aha'a (humility), kōkua (to help) and lōkahi (harmony/ unity) to inform my work. In addition to assisting Kānaka Maoli wāhine (Native Hawaiian Women) experiencing reproductive mental health challenges, I also serve the greater community and work to make sure I have an inclusive practice where all women feel safe and welcome to heal. Let’s work together to help you regain balance. Schedule your FREE 10 minute consultation today.
**I do not provide stand-alone psychotherapy or lactation counseling** These services are included in medication/ herbal/ supplement management visits as needed.
Music can be an impactful healing tool. Part of my inoa (name) comes from this song and it always helps put me in a malie (calm) state when I'm feeling unbalanced. I encourage you to enjoy this mele (song) and start a collection of your own.